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Tues 21/09/20 11:00 Official TNL Launch Montecasino (the Pivot) Invited Guests








Managers’ Meeting

General Meeting TNL R1

Game 1

Bloemfontein Garden Court Team Managers

& Compliance Officers

Sat 15/09/20 13:00 Opening Ceremony Mangaung Indoor Centre Team T/suits Teams
Fri TBC 20:00 Managers’ Meeting FS CUT – Boet Troskie Uniform
Sat 27/09/20 TBC Closing Ceremony Bloemfontein indoor Cent Team T/suits Participating Teams


TR: Team Room    TO: Team Officials    TM: Team Manager


2.1Team Manager

Team Managers have an extremely important role ensuring the successful management of the team and welfare of the athletes in their care.

2.1.1  Team Manager Administration Duties include:

  1. a)Copy of ID book

Scan and email the documents to

  1. b)Daily Team List

Completion and submission of team list by 15h00

  1. c)Rooming Lists

Completion and submission of Rooming List by close of business on the Monday the 5thOctober 2020 before travelling to Bloemfontein  to

  1. d)Flights

For teams flying in, ensure that the Confirmation Travel Form is signed by the player/team Member and returned    by no later than 15h00 on the Monday the 5thOctober 2020 before travelling to Bloemfontein with the team travel list.

  1. e)Checklist

Providing all team members with a checklist of what they are required to bring prior to departure: ensure
players and management travel with necessary travel documents i.e. Original ID when travelling by air.

  1. f)Airport Check – In and Documentation

Taking charge of the players, coaches and officials at the airport ensuring all tickets, documentation is on hand and that all members of the party and their luggage is checked in by the appropriate time.

  1. e) Code of Conduct in place.

2.1.1  Ensure welfare and safety of the team members and officials during team training and from the time of team departure until their return.

2.1.2      Checking team members in and out of hotels on arrival and departure. Ensure that all extra payments are settled by team members on check out.

2.1.3      Ensure you have a Sound knowledge of the rules/regulations of the competition.

2.1.4      Advising team lunch times and any specific requirements (which may not always be accommodated)

2.1.5      Equipment management – ensuring team equipment (Gilbert balls received) is properly marked. Teams are to travel with their own practice and match balls for warmups and training during Competition time. NSA will provide Gilbert Match balls for use during the Matches.

2.1.6      Ensuring all team members are aware of their sport’s anti-doping policy. A copy of this policy should be available on the World Anti-Doping Website: more information: See lists of prohibited substances with explanatory notes:

2.1.7      Taking charge of route planning and advise bus-driver accordingly.

2.1.8      Attending training sessions.

2.1.9      Attending all Team Manager’s Meetings.

2.1.10   Assisting with the team launch.

2.1.11   Attending and assisting with the organization of team functions.

2.1.12   Assisting with the co-ordination of media training. It is emphasized that players and team officials should not make any comments to the media unless directed by the Team Manager, NSA MEDIA MANGER and NL CEO.

2.1.13   Acting as liaison officer between the organizing committee of the event, the coach, and the team.

2.1.14   Adjudicating any problems that may arise amongst players, coaches, officials, and supporters

2.1.15   Liaising with GM regarding any athlete’s inappropriate behavior, misconduct, injuries, or illness.

2.1.16   Being responsible for all financial details, including collecting receipts and providing a financial statement of monies expended.

2.1.17   Co-ordinating team photos as per the Guide

2.1.29 Ensure Submission of TNL Media Profiles and NSA Player/Team Management Profiles

2.1.21 Ensure Coach and where applicable, “Player of the Match” is directly available after the match (within 2 minutes) for SuperSport and press at Media Station (or any interviews required by any media or NSA Media

2.1.22 After weekly matches provide match statistics and results to NL board including a basic report and balanced budget and copies of any media exposure.

2.1.23 Arrange ice for the medical use on the bench.

2.1.24 It is the Team Managers duty to ensure that there are additional safety pins to avoid bibs from falling off during a match. Bibs positions should always be clear.

2.1.25 The Team Manager should also ensure that NSA has a copy of the clearance letter for applicable players when submitting the team sheet.

3   TNL RULES (refer to document emailed to all Provinces)

3.1        All members including players should register at their respective districts before they can Participate and qualify for selection at any provincial trials. (Registered and paid up members).

3.2         Transferred players/ administrators should have a transfer letter before the trials / participating at the TNL.

3.3     Only approved 14 players will be allowed to participate at the TNL unless in a case of an injury before or during or in unforeseen circumstances the beginning of the league. (If a player is injured during the league, Proof of such should be forwarded to NSA with an application to include the non traveling player.  Only players who played trials for the team are eligible to replace the injured player.

3.4          Players who are between the age of 18yrs to 36yrs will be allowed to participate at the TNL.

3.5            In a case where a National Player /National Squad player or any other talented player is over 36yrs such player will be subjected to a fitness test (yo yo test 16.1)

3.6            Provincial teams should reflect the demographics of the country, Team management should be 50/50 and the filter of players should be 2/5 or ¾ on court should apply all times, failing points and goals will be taken from the non-compliance team. Provincial demographics will be considered on approval of players and team management.

3.7            The competing team should play 2/5 or 3/4 on each quarter of the game, if a team play 6/1 on court for the entire quarter and complied with 2/5 or 3/4 on other quarters that team will be considered noncompliance of Target System and such team s will forfeit points and goals of that game.

3.8             Provincial teams should lodge complaints/appeals in writing within 24 hours of the incident to the Disciplinary Committee, together with a complaint fee R500.00. An appeal must be in writing together with a fee of R500.00 within 24 hours to the NEC after receiving the outcome of.

3.9             South African players should submit a copy of their Identity Document and if not, a South African citizen you need to submit proof of citizenship/permit (1 player per team will be allowed).

3.10             International rules will apply, and the league will be played in two divisions:

3.11             The decisions of umpires and technical officials will be final.

3.12             No team official other than the primary care person will be permitted on court during an injury. It will be the responsibility of the manager of the teams to inform the umpires BEFORE the match who the primary care person for the team will be.

3.13        70 % of TNL Team and Team Managementshould reside from the current province.

3.14        Selected players should be given a fair chance of play on court at least 20% of play all time.

3.15        Appointed Team Management and selected players will qualify to participate at the 2020 TNL based on the following:

➢ Should have played at the 2019 TNL

➢ Should have played at one of NSA Championships in 2019.

➢ Should have been active at the district league and provincial leagues or event for 2019.

➢ Any new talent is welcomed for as long as they have been actively involved at district and provincial level for

3.16            All matches must be completed up to the agreed full time (refer to INF Rules of Netball).

3.17        NSA is committed to the development and transformation of administrators and we are committed to ensure that there is fast track of members and inclusivity as per the below proposed team management:

➢ Coach
➢ Assistant Coach
➢ Team Manager
➢ Statistician
➢ Physiotherapist

The following will be remunerated, viz., 14 Players, The Head Coach, Assistant Coach and Team Manager. Payment will be pro-rata, should any player or official be replaced. Only approved Players and Officials endorsed and ratified by NSA will be paid by NSA. No player or Official Not approved and endorsed by NSA will form part of the team at any one time.

3.17.1 Only The above-mentioned team management are allowed on the team bench during the matches.

3.18               International rules will apply.

3.19               Two divisions, Round Robin promotion relegation will apply for position 5 in Division 1 vs Position 1 in Division 2.

3.20              Play off for Division 1: Will be 1 vs 4 and 3 vs 2

3.21               Losers Play Losers and Winners play Winners

3.22               Division 1: Consists of 5 competing teams and 1 participating team, total of 6 teams

3.23               First game per week will be against the competing team

3.24               Second Game will be against the participating team

3.25              Division 2: Consists of 5 competing teams


4.5 Competition Format

▪ Matches shall be conducted in accordance with INF Rules and INF Regulations unless otherwise stated. Refer
to 3.9.

▪ All matches to start as per schedule.

▪  Only GILBERT balls shall be used during matches as the official match ball for the duration of the series.

▪ The Umpires and Technical Officials decision is final.

Points for a match shall be awarded as follows

Win➔2 Points                Draw ➔1 point                    Lose ➔0 points.

4.2.Competition Rules

4.2.1Duration of matches

  • Four (4) x Fifteen (12) minute quarters
  • Quarter time (4 minutes)
  • Half time (6 minutes)
  • Three-quarter time (4 minutes)

4.2.2Additional Law to the Game

  1. a)Each coach can call a 1 (one) minute “Strategic Stoppage” in play per match. This stoppage will be
    Indicated by raising a flag from the Technical Table/3rd Umpire.
  2. b)The Umpire opposite the technical table will call the stoppage and time will only be activated immediately after a goal.
  3. c)No substitutions or positional changes will be allowed by the Coach. Only the Coach to approach the court

– no medical or other support staff.

  1. d)If goal difference is identical, goal ratio of the preliminary matches will decide the position (i.e. goals for
    divided by goals against); In the event of a further tie, the team scoring the most goals will be declared. If the two teams have scored the same number of goals at this stage, then the teams will need to play extra time as determined in Rule 4 before the next round of games commence.
  2. e)In a case of a team withdrawal during competition, goal average/goal difference/games played will be the formula to calculate the goal average of the teams.
  3. f) Only the officiating Match Officials (Umpires) may stop play during a match (temporarily or definitely) because of poor Field of Play conditions, equipment damage or failure, a seriously injured player, or any other reason  deemed necessary by the Match Officials (Umpires).
  1. g) The Technical Manager or nominee in consultation with the Tournament Director and Umpires Board shall determine if the match may proceed or if the match must be delayed or postponed
  2. h) In the event that a match is delayed, interrupted, or postponed, the match must be resumed as soon as is conveniently possible under the following conditions:On resumption the match shall be continued from the spot where the ball was when play was stopped as per the INF rules. · On resumption, Rule 9.1, relating to the substitution of players shall apply as though there had been no interruption to the match. The score on resumption of the match being that at the time the interruption took place.

4.2.3 Injury time

As per INF Rules. 30 Seconds per injury incident and the player will have to move off court within 30 seconds unless otherwise indicated by the umpire, each subsequent stoppage for each team shall not exceed 30 seconds. Only medical personnel will be allowed on the floor during injury time, unless otherwise indicated by the umpire.

4.2.4. Extra time

For rounds 1 – 4 matches (Round Robin) may end in a draw. Log position will be based on the points system and thereafter on goal average. Therefore, no extra time will be awarded in the case of a draw. In the event of a draw during Semi-Finals and Finals Extra – the extra time rule will be applied. Extra-time rule will be applied in the promotion – relegation match, should it end in a draw.

4.3 Semi – Finals

Should the semi – final/s result/s in Division 1 in a draw extra-time will be played to determine the teams advancing to Finals.

4.4 Finals – Refer to the Running Sheet

If the final ends in a draw, there will be a 4 (four) minute interval at the end of the full game.

Substitutions are permitted at this time. Extra time will be played in 2 halves of 7 minutes each.

Teams change ends at half time with an interval of 1 (one) minute. Substitution and/or team changes are permitted. The center pass will be taken by the team next entitled to a center pass. If after extra time the game is still tied, play shall continue without any stoppage until one team is ahead with 2 goals.


5.1.  Fixtures

The fixtures cannot be changed – there may be time variations due to the SuperSport change over times; this will reflect on running sheet provided to Team Managers. Fixtures attached as Annexure 1.

5.2.  Training

  • Training schedule is provided

5.3.  Pre-Match Protocol

Teams must be at the venue at least (One) 1 hour 30 minutes before their match is due to start.

5.3.1. Nail Check

Nail check will take place as per daily running sheet.

5.3.2. Warm up sessions

Teams will be allocated on-court warm-up time. Running Sheets will be emailed weekly.

5.3.3. Starting Line Up Team List

Team Managers are to submit the teams’ Starting Line-up/team list to Magriet Bester, no later than one hour and thirty minutes before the match whistle blows.

Once received, both team lists will be released to all media, broadcasting services and officials.

No alterations (of) or additions shall be made to the named list once submitted through to the scheduled match commencement time, except in the event of an injury/illness.

In such case, the Technical Table and opposition team manager are to be notified immediately and a medical certificate must be provided.

5.3.4. Finals (team bus arrival)

SuperSport will film the arrival of the team buses. Team Managers will liaise with the Floor Manager on route to
the venue.

5.4.  Team Bench / Arena Entrance / Team Dance & Match Call on Order

Team Bench

The Official Bench is on the same side as the Team Benches.

First named teams as per the fixtures will be allocated the Team Bench to the Right of the Official Bench as it faces out to the court and the Second named team the Team Bench to the Left of the Official Bench.

Arena Entrance – After on Court Warm-Up

Teams line up in Tunnel opposite their team bench

Teams will be announced into the Arena for the team dance as follows: Captain leads

Second Named Team – Called First. Team Enters and proceeds to center of the court. Perform Dance Routine and clear court to bench, prepare for Call on

First Named Team – Called last. Team Enters and proceeds to center of the court. Perform Dance routine, clear court to bench, prepare for Call on

Team Dance

Teams will come onto court performing a choreographed dance item of 1 min and 30 seconds (90 secs). A Run on Song and Dance Song must be submitted. The Run on must be worked into the 90 seconds.

Music must be forwarded to Claudine Claassen in a music clip mp3 format by e-mail by.

The team entrance will be broadcast live on SuperSport during televised matches. Team Dance rehearsal on venue court: TBC

Dance to be aerobic. Music to be free of swearing/cursing.

Match Call On

The MC will introduce the teams in the following order

Starting Line Up, bench players and team management – 2ndNamed Team First and then the 1stNamed Team. Umpire Announcements

Teams shake hands and move into position for play to commence.

5.5.  Gifts

No Gifts to be exchanged

5.6.  Post-Match Protocol

Teams are required to provide a coach, Player of the Match and captain and/or any other requested player to be
available for comment to the media, in the identified Media Interview Zone, within 2 minutes of the end of the

5.7.  Post-Game Recovery

5.7.1. Ice Baths (TBC) NO ICE BATHS

The Hydrotherapy Centre will be available for teams to do recovery. Teams interested in using the Ice baths canbook through   .  Ice bath Rates are    and are at the teams’ own cost. Should there be Load shedding note that Ice baths will not be available as there are no generators.

5.12 Match Tickets NO MATCH TICKETS

Tickets will be sold to the general public at all matches at a Cost of: R50 for adults and R30 for Children. Not applied for 2020

5.13 Courtside – (Energade Fridge available)

Each Player will receive 1 x (500ml) bottle of water and 1 x bottle of Energade per match. Team Managers are
to collect on arrival at the Competition Venue. Team Managers please ensure players are briefed on amounts received and Each bench will have:

17 Chairs (17 chairs for the teams that have officially requested an extra Primary Care Official) Cooler Box. Rubbish bin.  An extra chair will be provided for the compliance officer to sit behind the bench.

5.8.  During the Game: Concerns

Events Manager Portia Dimu will be court side at each game to address and refer all concerns that arise during the game to the relevant Department/s, should they be brought to her attention.

5.9.  Ice

Ice will be available next to the bench in the Energade cooling bins. Each team is responsible for their own ice required for medical use.

5.10.Match Recordings: TBC

Christy Mullender will be providing match recordings with a basic Analysis of the game to all teams.


5.11.1. Player of the Match (POM)

NSA will announce selectors who will select the player of the match – this player will be nominated by the end of the 3rdQuarter.

SuperSport will be advised immediately. Floor Manager will advise the Team Manager.

The POM must make herself available to SuperSport for interview immediately after the final whistle.

The POM will receive a POM Socks once off to be worn the next match that the team plays. Should the player not take court the match directly after, the privilege of wearing the skirt is forfeited.

The POM socks are a once off skirt. Should a player make POM more than once during the TNL, she will receive the award and privilege, but not another skirt.

5.11.2. TNL Player of the Tournament

This player will be decided by NSA selections panel and will receive a Trophy

5.11.3. Players’ of the Tournament (Best Defender, Best Centre Court and Best Shooter) The players will be decided by NSA selections panel and will each receive a Trophy

5.11.4. TNL Winners 2020

TNL 2020 winners will receive a floating trophy and Medals

5.11.5. TNL Runners Up 2020

TNL 2020 Position 2 and 3 teams will each receive a floating trophy and Medals

5.12 Autograph Signing- NO SPECTATORS

Players are requested to interact with spectators and their fans in a positive and friendly manner.

Spectators may request to take a photo with players, and it is then the players’ responsibility to act as

good netball – and brand ambassadors by exposing brands as much as possible and by looking neat and using appropriate language at all times.


Attendance by Team Managers is compulsory. Times allocated for meetings are being decided according to Team arrival times. The Agenda is not contained in the body of this document.

  • Team Managers will be advised via the Team Managers WhatsApp Group of all other meetings as required.


Fri 08/10/20 10:30



’ Meeting




Garden Court






Fri 103/10/20 20:30 Managers

’ Meeting


Garden Court






ES: Event Staff                TO: Team Officials TR: Team Room

  • Team Managers are responsible to inform NSA of team management’s cell phone numbers / email address changes during the course of the tournament.

NSA will not be held responsible if communication does not reach team management personnel due to change of contact Details.

6.2. Accommodation & Directions

Tsogo Sun, Protea Willows and Protea Bloemfontein is the official Biological Safe Environment of Netball League.

  • Rooms have been booked as twin sharing for players and single rooms for Team Management. Team Managers to indicate male members. 8 x twin Rooms have been booked per team. i.e. twin rooms have 2 double beds per room.
  • Once the sharing room names have been allocated, no changes can be made.
  • Rooming List to be completed and returned by the Monday the 5thOctober 2020 at 15h00 before the tournament.Form to be mailed to
  • Check in is from 14:00 and Check out is by 10:00 am.
  • Teams arriving earlier than check – in: Request will be made for 2/3 rooms to be made available for the teams. The rooms are subject to availability. Team Managers to confirm with Rene Meyer.
  • Very important: If, for whatever reason, a team or members of a team will not be staying at the hotel,
    they are to let Rene Meyer know by Monday the 5th October 2020 (before 12:00). If found that the room stood empty, those players/management will be held responsible for payment of the room.

6.4. Meals

Breakfast 06:30 – 10:00 a buffet breakfast will be served in the allocated room at the hotel.

Lunch At the competition venue.


A buffet dinner will be available at the hotel on a Friday and Saturday from 18h00 – 22h00.

  • Special dietary requirements to be advised in writing. This request will be met on a best – case scenario and may not always meet all party’s needs.
  • Additional Costs – All additional items purchased, i.e. soft drinks, alcohol, room service, parking to be settled in cash by the person ordering these items. No check out will be accepted by the hotel, until full payments have been settled. The Team Manager will be held responsible for any outstanding costs that fall outside the provided elements stipulated.

6.5. Transport

6.5.1. Travel – Air

See Attached Transport Details.

  • NSA transport/travel manager will be responsible for flight bookings which will only be done once the
    Team Sheet has been completed by Team Manager and received by NSA.
  • Once the flight has been booked, no name changes will be allowed. However, if for whatever reason, there is a name change, that Team Manager/player will be responsible for payment.
  • This payment will have to be done at the airport, i.e. cash payments only, not for NSA account.
  • All 20 passengers need to travel on the same flight. If, for whatever reason, a player/manager cannot travel at the same time as the team, that player/manager will be responsible for their own transport and cost thereof, to get them to the hotel or venue.
  • Teams will be collected from the airport and taken directly to the hotel. (subject to change)

Missed Flight Procedure

  • Should a flight be missed by one or more team members (including management) The Team Managers’
    responsibility is to: Immediately inform NSA with an immediate follow up email detailing the person’s information to (Point of departure, point of arrival, date and time, full names of person travelling accompanied with an ID Number).
  • All expenses incurred over and above the original booking is for the players account, the outstanding amount will be settled by the end of the same month.

6.5.2 Travel – Land

  • Only Team Managers’ may liaise directly with the Coach driver on times, provided it is the same number of trips as indicated.
  • The coach leaving the first departure point must leave on time – it cannot wait for late passengers and timing is crucial. The coach can only do the scheduled stop at the specified venue – it is not a taxi service.
  • No children are permitted on the coach.
  • Teams may take snack-packs, water, and CD’s on the bus. NO YOGHURT OR MILK PRODUCTS.

6.5.3 Travel – Own Transport

  • Parking will be at own risk and the hotel is not responsible for the vehicle. Parking Rates: R20.00 (TBC) per car per day. (own cost)

6.6 Laundry

  • All laundry services are additional and for teams own account @ R60 per 10 pieces.
  • The hotel will do the laundry on a rotational basis by alternating 4 teams per day.

6.7 Wi-Fi

  • 350MB of Wi-Fi will be available per room per day. The Wi-Fi code will be given to you by the hotel staff at check-in.

6.8 NSA Player/ Team Official & TNL Media Profiles

  • Information on all the players and Team Management is required. Team Managers are to transfer information received to the Word and Excel Document provided. Please follow instructions.

6.9 Head Shots (refer to the Appendix for picture examples)

  • Headshots of all team members and officials are required for various purposes during TNL 2020.
  • From a marketing and communications point of view, the headshots will be used in the media guide, NSA, and sponsors websites. This is where fans and media access information on the teams, so it is critical that the information is accurate and professional. Please follow the instructions carefully below to take headshots of your players and officials.

General Points

  • It is Critical that there is CONSISTENCY for your entire team (players and officials). This means using the same backdrop, wearing the same uniform, and taking the photo on the same angle. Setting Up the Area
  • All headshots should be taken on a white background. If white is not possible as close to white (cream, off white) is necessary.
  • Aim to take shots inside. This will mean light across each shot is consistent.

Preparing the Team

  • Please ensure players are in their TNL Team Playing Top and Officials in their Team Polo Shirt.
  • For consistency NSA suggests using the same top in different sizes. Alternatively, a plain white playing top/ Team top.
  • The level of make-up used is at each Teams’ discretion however Netball South Africa recommends that players should look similar to they do when they take the court. Please maintain consistency across all players in the team with make-up levels.

Taking the Shot

  • Please ensure you use the largest file size on your camera and provide a High-resolutionJPEG to NSA
  • When taking the shot aim for the shoulders halfway up the frame.
  • To maintain consistency please have everyone’s head facing the same way.
  • Ensure the head is at the center of the shot.
  • Individual players’ facial expression i.e. to smile or not to smile, is at each teams’ discretion. Each player will have their own style and personality – some may smile and some more serious. Please ask them to approach the photo as an opportunity to provide fans, media and public with a professional reflection of their personality.

In Summary
Taking the Shot
Head Centered.
All Players wearing the same top Shoulders halfway up the frame. All players facing the same way White background.
All players shot at the same angle

White Background – You do not need a full back drop. A smooth white wall is fine. Photographer Should face the player/official straight on.

6.10. Medical Information

Team Managers must be in possession of copy of medical aid card for each player and details in case of emergency. This must always be with Team Managers.

7.2.Other Services

7.2.1. Emergency Numbers


Ambulance: 084 124

Hospital (National District Hospital ): 051 403 9600

SAPS Bloemfontein: 051 507 6036

Emergency: 112


3.5   Official TNL 2020 Launch The official TNL Launch will be held at the Pivot, Montecasino on the 21 September 2020. Time: 10:30am for 11:00. General M’s of local teams will be informed by NS   with regards to details and which players should attend.

7.5 Opening Ceremony

The opening ceremony will take place on 15 October 2020 at 14h00 at Mangaung Indoor Center, Bloemfontein. Dress Code: Official team tracksuit.

Teams are to assemble at the venue at least an hour before the starting time in order to coordinate all players and teams for the opening ceremony.

7.6 Closing Ceremony

Awards and Trophies will be handed over after the Final Matches on the 27thOctober 2020. Teams must remain behind after their respective matches for the medal presentation.


SuperSport Pre-Match Interviews with Coaches and Captains at Designated courtside station. SuperSport Half-time flash Interviews with a selected player from each team.

The Coach and Captain of each team will be required to attend a post-match press conference after each game. Players and coaches may also be requested to do media interviews to promote the Telkom Netball League on the media platforms available.

Digital Daily Diary Entries

With all teams being confined in the Biological Safe Environment (BSE), all teams are requested to assist by creating digital diary entries which can be shared with Netball South Africa Media team so that these could be used on the various social media platforms.

Post-Match Interviews

Due to COVID 19, no media will be allowed to attend matches during the 2020 edition of the Telkom Netball League. With that being said, NSA Media Team is required to generate content that will be shared with media on the outside.

All coaches, captains and POTM will be required to do interviews with the media team so that these could be packaged and sent to other media houses that are not in the bubble. These interviews will take place after SuperSport TV as they get first preference. All team managers to ensure that all the requested personnel come for interview.

Post-match interviews are obligatory, this is to ensure that we provide other media houses with content so that they can file their stories.

Zoom Press Conferences

In the absence of media in attendance at 2020 TNL, there will be mandatory Zoom Press Conferences daily with selected team coaches and captains. Netball South Africa Media Team will communicate with team managers 24 hours prior. These press conferences will be hosted with media that is outside the bubble and they are compulsory.


9.1 team Launch Information

The aim of the team launch is to create interest and awareness of your local team in your province. You also want to get
the local government as involved as possible and get their official backing for the tournament and especially your team.

NB: if there are no Official photographers present; please organize a Provincial Exco Member to take pictures of the team, speakers and general event that can be used for various NSA and sponsor needs.